Sunday, March 3, 2013

More Updates

Ok so I've been really busy with stuff so I don't have alot of time to do game reviews so if you want to really stay up to date one stuff subscribe to me on YouTube, my channel is TheDragonWolfMCU. I would appreciate it if you would subscribe to me to stay up to date.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Upcoming News!!!!!!

Okay, so I'll be writing a review on Dragon Age Origins in a while. I might be doing a Skyrim one in a while if I can. Again if you have a game for me to review, don't be afraid to comment! 

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Dragon Age II review

Now this is my first actual game review. So with out further ado,(did I spell that right?) I present to you: Dragon Age II! (Yes I should do Origins, but I have yet to play it. I will try to do one for it too.)
Dragon Age II is about you, Hawke, as you run from the blight that took over your home of Ferelden.You run to the city of Kirkwall, and try to grow in society. Character creation is similar to Origins but you can only be human. (I said I haven't played it, that doesn't mean I haven't watched.) There's also two alternate endings, depending on which side you pick at the end. Dragon Age Origins and Dragon Age II both take place in a fake world of Dragons and Magic and Darkspawn. I give this game a 7.9 on the Gaming scale. It has good graphics, a good story line, but it's a slow moving game. For those of you how like faster story line games I would suggest something else, but if you like games that take longer to finish, this is where to look.
Over all, I'd give this game a 7 on the gamer scale.

This is a link to a trailer for Dragon Age II:

Monday, June 11, 2012

Okay, after much thought, I've decided some things I should explain about my blog. First off, if you, the reader, want me to do a review on a specific game, leave a comment and I'll try give it a try. Second, I will not give anything away about any of the games. Except a few small things from the beginning. Third, If you need help getting past something in a game I reviewed, I'll be happy to try my best and help.(Boss fights, ect.) And last but not least, I will also rate the game from 1 to 10. (1 being the worst, 10 being the best.)
Peace out and game on!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

This is my first blog post to my girl gamer blog. I created this blog to prove that video games aren't just for boys any more and that we shouldn't be treated differently from boy gamers because they're afraid of losing to us. Girl gamers are no different from boy gamers. So enjoy the blog!